January 2025

"Hello, World!"

January 19, 2025 // 9:46 AM

So I wanted to make today's quote "hello, world!", the famous startup message of a lot of programs. But in order to do that, I needed to figure out which was actually the first computer to say it. Turns out it was the B programming language, and the code for it was written by Brain Kernighan. Noice!

... But that one was printed, so which was the first computer to say "hello world"?

This one was way harder to find out for some reason. I found Macintosh saying "hello" when it was debuted by Apple, but I can't find anything about the first to say "hello world", or even concrete eveidence on the first computer to speak with just a quick internet search. I'll have to do more work on this one and report back!

I did find out a cool thing though: that program languages have a statistic called "Time to Hello World", or TTHW, which is how long a new programming language takes to have a "hello world" program made for it-- this is important because it tells us how easy a language is for the average person to use! Since the amount of time in development (as well as number of lines of code needed) gives you a good look at how easy to teach the language will be.

But yeah, that's all I've found on it for the time being. What was supposed to be a quick, fun quote has turned into a homework assignment for me XD hopefully I'll come back with interesting results.


Guess Imma be busy,

--- Sibbin

Fa De Kultcha a Dee

January 16, 2025 // 10:20 AM

AH TIME TO START MY BLOG. I don't know what I wanna use this for yet, but I want it to be set up and at the very least, not blank!

So hello! I am Sibbin, the majority front of Dee Haus. (For privacy, I'm not revealing my actual name/our system's legal name :P) I wanna blog about the experiences I have as someone of many different sectionalities tryna mek it inde worl. I would list all my different sectionalities here (and am indeed tempted to do so), but this is not Tumblr of 2016 anymore. I want to reveal more as it makes sense for conversation-- a skill I lack IRL XD so we'll see how much I stick to that.

Today I wanna talk about media, and the future of my own culture. Not culture in society's sense, but of my own personal culture. I go on YouTube a lot. I watch a lotta commentary like Drew Gooden and friends (XD), some gaming stuff like Markiplier and Jaymoji, and random internet videos. I love these creators, but when I look back at the content I take in... I relate to a small portion of it. I don't see myself. I'm Black, and only one youtuber I listed is Black. I'm AFAB nonbinary, and none of the creators I listed are either.

There's a tiredness I've felt with everything as of late. You tend to get tired of not seeing yourself. The algorithm doesn't push people like me to its forefront as often, and for as much as I dig, it's seldom I'll find a creator who has similar experiences and likes the things I like.

See, dis part wey de kulcha a misef be fa come into play. If I can't find me, I need to put me out, I believe. Ande wey fa me ta be doing that is by sharing art and stories. If I ain't be fa do it fa anyone else, I at least wanna do it fa the development a mi own personal kulcha. It's just like when I chose to start learning and reclaiming my native tongue; I want to be able to define myself instead of letting others define me.

... Also, when I'm bored, I'll have an easy-to-search database of stuff to entertain myself. That's the main reason XD

Anyway, that's it. Sorry this was long. They will usually be long. I ain't neva learn how to shut the frick up XD And also, to any Future member of the Haus reading this: heyy you are awesomeee go drink some water :D


Til Next Time,

--- Sibbin